ETH Meets Berlin
Berlin, 5.-7. November 2018 – ETH Meets You an der Berlin Science Week. Die ETH Zürich gibt Ihnen Einblicke in die aktuelle Forschung zu Advanced Game Technologies, Artificial Intelligence und Blockchain.
ETH Meets You at Archtober
Archtober is New York City’s Architecture and Design Month, the eighth annual month-long festival of architecture activities, programs and exhibitions taking place during the month of October.
"The Martian” und die InSight Mars-Mission
Erfahren Sie, wie die ETH Zürich an der InSight Mars-Mission beteiligt ist und was für Mythen und Fakten hinter dem bekannten Film «The Martian» («Der Marsianer») mit Matt Damon stehen.
Research for Development Funding Opportunities
Research for Development Funding Opportunities. Small Grants available for partnerships with collaborators from low-income countries. Deadline 15 October 2018.
Asia Entrepreneurship Training Programme
Swiss Start-ups are invited to join a unique accelerator programme providing access to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Indonesia.